Saturday, July 25, 2009

new and coming soon!

I've started to upload fun summer pics~lots of dirt and fun! I've also found another giveaway site! It started with Metroplex Baby and Kid's Best and Hottest~once again I got such a great item! This time it's a diaper bag (purse for me) from Tinky Bébé. I won the Charlotte bag! It's absolutely luscious Italian leather than smell heavenly. Buying it retail? Get 2 and you could have bought my first car! I'm in giddy love! Well, to appease my conscious for not getting the boys something, I told myself I would sell some of my other diaper bags (sniff) to buy 1-2 of the items I'd originally had picked for my "wish list". Then, researching buying the PlaSmart Plasma car, I found something FANTASTIC! WIN ONE! Oh yes, that's how I stumbled on Gobs of Giveaways, quite a neat site with cool products! A number of the giveaways I'm already quite the fan of the products (if only you could see my metromom smile!) Check out the Gobs blog and see what you like and can win!
Stay tuned for pics!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Owen's first Birthday dinner

Owen's first ride forward facing! On his way to Pei Wei!

BOAT!!! (note the clean placemat)

CAKE! Might I mention there's icing on the table behind us?

Love me!

All clean!

(yes, I even cleaned the highchair and the table behind us!)

arrg, so many things, so little time until the terrors wake up! First, let me say switching Collin to cow milk was a breeze~the hardest part is keeping up with his intake (he drinks ALOT). Now then, there's Owen..... First he needed soy formula to keep his gas and fussiness to a minimum. The doc said that since he tolerated breast milk he should be fine with cow milk, so we gave him fully leaded cow milk. The poop that was the color of cow milk was alarming, but the screaming an hour before and 20 minutes afterwards, not acceptable. Back on the formula until the doctor opened on Monday. Meanwhile, mom did research. Did you know most of the world is lactose intolerant? Silly caucasian American, we forget we're the minority! 15% of caucasions are intolerant while 80% of....asian, mediteranian, middle eastern, etc are lactose intolerant. Not places you consider milk countries~think about, then comes....If a breastfed baby is lactose intolerant, what is the mom to do? Follow a lactose free diet! Guess who really doesn't drink milk, and tries to keep dairy to 1 yogurt a day? yep, yours truly.
Where's this going? Owen has now been on soymilk for 4 days. Poop is back to normal brownish/green, crying is minimal, he's happy. So why am I still typing about this? Oh, the look of horror on my brother's face when a gunshot went off 2 feet from him near the floor, a retort accentuated by a giggle of happiness and a look of pride by Owen. Then the smell hit poor Eric (sorry, I have to stop to snicker) and I got the dirties look! I think he actually thinks I've been giving him rotten garbage to eat! Wow, the Owen's farts STINK!!!!! Arg! I hear fussing. Maybe more later.

Daily Candy 100 Day Giveaway

Daily Candy 100 Day Giveaway

Shared via AddThis

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wordless Wednesdays


I know it's really Wednesday, but it's still Tuesday for me! A 4.5 hour nap didn't help. I did get to make tortilla soup as my G rated Cinco De Mayo celebration. I didn't tell my mom about any of my more fun celebrations from the past (I deny ALL!!!!) though let me tell you, the Lava-rita that we made from the fish bowl margaritas and the jello shots from On The Border in Tyler many years ago still sits fondly in my mind. Also high up there is the song a crony and I made up that I can never remember the words to for some reason but it kinda goes to the Chiquita Banana song (very liberaly) and starts out:

It's Cinco de Mayo and I'm here to say
Tequila goes down many a way
you can sip it
you can shoot it,
any way you drink it,
just don't go and snort it.....

Trust me it sounds much better when sung at the top of your lungs and half a bottle of special reserve down. But enough on that subject!

I've gotten hooked on reading blogs and have noticed some trends that should help? I need to work on the picture taking for wordless wednesdays, but I'm going to try with one of my favorite pics of they boys tomorrow (ie 10 minutes from now)
Till then....

Sunday, April 19, 2009


YAAA! 3 things to celebrate!
a)I just learned how to add the tabby things on the sidebar there to advertise important things like:
b)Support MADD! I'm a "virtual" walker in the April 25th Mothers Against Drunk Driving walk. I'd be a real walker (he he) but I work the night before and the night of. Feel free to go to the site and support me
c) I finally got my link up for Seven Dogs And A Baby! It's a great blog that reviews cool mom and baby things, plus has great giveaways (my fav). They just started a birthday bash as the Blogger's son and blog is turning 2. good times, check it out!